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We take care of the details

There’s a lot to do. You need to focus on the day-to-day needs of your business like staffing and customer service. We can help with the rest.  Services that set your store apart, add efficiency and help maximize its potential. And get all the details just right.

Services Sections

UNFI Professional Services

Helping retailers thrive. Solutions that attract shoppers, drive revenue, simplify day-to-day operations and save retailers money. Stay focused on what matters most while growing bottom-line profits.

UNFI Media Network™

Establish your competitive edge with an innovative retail media solution designed to help you compete in the digital marketplace. The UNFI Media Network, powered by Swiftly, brings advanced retail technology solutions to our extensive network of retail customers and brand partners.

Category Management

A 100% unique approach, proven to increase sales and profitability. It’s having the right assortment of products, based on your customers’ demographics and lifestyle. Solid category strategies. Better customer satisfaction. More efficiency.


In-store merchandising that maximizes the potential of your stock - and increases profits. It’s putting products in the right place, in the right quantity, at the right price. Using our data and manpower to get it done.


Digital and print circulars, educational booklets, coupons and more. High-quality tools and in-store promotions from some of our 10,000+ suppliers - designed to satisfy customers and boost your profits. Turn-key options that are quick and easy to use.

iUNFI Mobile Ordering

The latest in ordering and store management technology. Direct vendor support and shelf-level category reviews. Easy-to-use. iOS and Android compatible. 

ARRIVE Delivery Alerts

Track the status of your UNFI delivery in real-time. Get alerts via text or email. Know when your order is coming – and get the control you need to help run your business smoothly.

International Trade

Specialized export, import and supply chain services for retailers, wholesalers and distributors around the world.

Military Distribution and Sales

Leading the way as a one-stop partner for military and government customers. Achieve more with our distribution expertise and full product assortment for all your retail and food service needs.